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Monday, January 2, 2012

What a Year!

This year has been a reall roller coaster for me. Constantly filled with highs, lows, ups, downs, a couple of loop-d-loops, and sometimes where the whole thing threatened to turn me out. Here's a short list of what this year held for me.

1. I re-learned how to walk.
2. I finished a book.
3. I finished another book.
4. I started another book, which needs about another months worth of work to have a first draft done.
5. Someone really read part of my first book, and they were very surprised to find that it is actually not crap. I was even more surprised.
6. I spent a lot of time with my physical therapist(s), and I was very pleased to go from that doctor/patient, to that good aquantices sort of thing. (In a good way.)
7. I got back into reading, and just since I did that, I've read, let me count . . . 17 books. Wow, I've been busy. I credit this to finding a great used bookshop.
8. I started learning to drive, a little late, but better late then never. (Which, given my fear of the wide open road, we may, may, get to that point. I'd rather walk a mile, or more, than drive it.)
9. I learned that if I really needed to, I could use my great hip-strenth to lift a car off of myself.
10. I knit myself . . . 6 sweaters this year. Plus one for my mother, so that makes seven total, with a lot in progress.

This also has been a great year for getting a lot of great blogs to read, and in turn, getting a few great readers of my own. I'm proud to call you friends, even in the geeky, I-don't-even-know-what-you-look-like kind of way. Let's all get together in a big room together and knit and talk till we pass out. Sound like fun?

I've got a lot of resoulutions I've, made, most of them in the informal, forget about in a few weeks kind of way. But last year I was feeling much more productive this time of year, so lets take a look at what I thought

My New Years Knitting Reasolutions (Aside from learning to SPELL!) (I can't believe I let that go for a whole year I'm suddenly SO embarrassed.)

1. To knit from stash as much as posssible.

Excellent, I knit from the stash, almost all year. I only bought yarn once, (twice if you count fiber fairs, which I don't, and it was one skein of sock yarn). Of course, the stash grew this year, due to my love of recycling old sweaters, and people who give me yarn, because, well, I'm likable, (not at all cocky) a pretty good knitter, young, and a male, all of which knitters love. (And Goodwill, but that doesn't count either.)
2.To keep the number of WIP around 5.
HAH! Define WIP!

3. To not buy any yarn that I would consider subpar.

As far as I can remember, I passed this one with flying colors. I may have aquired yarn that wasn't up to my standards. (I'm so picky, must work on that.)
4. To learn to do entrelac.

This year, I swear. A knitting friend of mine is going to take a class on it, and she's generously offered to let me tag long.
5. To learn to do the long tail cast on.

Did that one on New Year's day, right after I posted the (mis-spelled) resoulutions. See, I wasn't lying about the perky productiveness.

I don't think I'll be doing this again. While it was nice, it felt pretty silly to have those things posted on the side bar in July. Ya know what I mean.

And while I'd like to join all those knit alongs, the ones where you knit 12 shawls in 2012, or 12 garmets, or something, I don't think I have it in me. I'm still tried from the holidays (And still eating the leftovers). Not to mention that I don't like having my knitting governed by what I was thinking in January. I also don't like faliure, and there is no way that I can knit 12 sweaters in one year, so I'm not going to set myself up for faliure.

My main goals for this year are to meditate daily. Run daily. (I usually can do one or the other, but not both in one day.) Blog more, stand up for myself, and speak my mind (heaven help those around me, I think some . . . not nice thoughts, lets amend this one to speak my mind more.)

P.S. Like the new look?

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