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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mitten Hell

Mitten Hell is where I am. Are you in mitten hell as well? (Sock hell, and scarf hell are very similar as well)

Do you even know what mitten hell is? Well, if you don't then you have got very lucky this holiday season. I will explain to you what mitten hell is, because I feel that if I have to go through this, then so should you! Mitten hell, is where you knit on mittens (and knit, and knit) all day long and you still have a billion mittens to make (most of these mitten are for me, so I don't really have to make them, I just have really cold hands and one pair of really crappy mittens.) It is hard to get out of and while you still want to knit other stuff, you, for some reason will keep going back to the mittens.

Maybe it is because that Mittens are the Garments of the gods. Of course the garment of the gods changes quite often (the gods are fickle, I tell you, that is why we have that whole January thaw thing) Here recently the garment of the gods was socks, which didn't last for long. Last winter it was blankets.( I knit an afghan in a month, a month!) and this summer it was sweaters. (I knit about four and a half). So, how can Mittens be of the gods, and hell-like at the same time. This is because the gods are apparently mad at me and putting me through mitten hell for some previous offence against them. I don't know what offence this was, but I am on my knees, begging the gods for mercy.

At least I have good mitten paterns to knit, let me see if I can try to find some pictures  that at least resemble mine.    Thank you ravelry. (I barrowed this picture from ravelry)
Just picture mine with red flowers and a white backround. The pattern is the Flower Mittens from Norweigian Handknits by Sue Flanders and Janine Kosel. These were the ones that I made for my Grandmother, for Chrirtmas. (or as I have started calling it, Pagan ritual day, because that is what it is)

Here is mitten number two:

(Again, thank you ravelry)
This is the Mitten day Mittens from the same book. I made them for my sister, but I made the boys version, because I thought that ribbing on the cuff would be more practical than a lace cuff. I made them with a purple backround and a white foreground. I still have one thumb left to do, so that is what I will be doing once I get off of here.

And here is what I want to make for myself (after the Holiday knitting, of course)
and Thrummed mittens, (sorry, no link) and a pair of Fair Isle ones, but I still haven't found a pattern. (Yes, I may have a problem)

That's, a lot of mittens. I probrobly won't start until after the new year, I want to start 2011 with as few wips as possible. That will take a while.

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