Welcome to the blog of a young male knitter!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


That's exactly how I've been feeling for a little while now. Hmmm, I've been knitting, but only on some secret things. (Well, I guess I could tell you, but I've already given them away, and I forgot to take pictures,) There are a few socks, but I'm in bed right now, and I don't feel like going down stairs and getting them and the camera, you'll have to use your imagination.

Since I last blogged, I've been a touch busy, but that is no excuse. Really now, it isn 't a good excuse. Truth be told, I've been reading a lot (shame on me!). Yes, he of the knitting, has forsaken it all (not all) for the written word. (We will over look the fact that I've finished my second book, and I'm thinking about a third, I'm talking about someone else's words.)

I have a little confession. The book that has sucked up my every thought for the past week is, The Thorn Birds. There, I've said it. My name is Garret and I'm reading The Thorn Birds. The one with the whole forbidden-love-Australian-sheep-ranch-family-saga deal. That Thorn Birds. The one with the priest and the young girl. (Sick at first, gets better after time)

And here is the thing, I'm freaking loving it. It is compelling, to say the least. Every word of it makes me want to keep reading. I think that is what I'll do now. Knitting soon, I promise!

(If you want to discuss, leave a comment, and I'll jabber your ear off about it!)

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