Those kind of days tend to be very productive days. I am usually done with all my usual work by maybe . . . eleven? It depends on how much I have to do, so those days, I have a whole day to play with. (I made up for it today with my crappy alarm clock and staying up till all hours that night watching Pan Am.)
So yesterday, I made use of my extra time by winding and washing an old sweater that already was missing its seams. The sweater was procured for free, (I heart volunteering!) and I am now in possession of a sweater's worth of 80% wool, and 20% nylon. If it matters at all, the yarn was from Abercrombie and Fitch. It practically reeked of men who had as little sense as they did shirts. I think that's why they let me take it. (Or because it had more pills than a pharmacy.) Now it smells like Dawn and dawn.
Sorry, I didn't get a pic of the original sweater. I don't make it a habit to think that far ahead.
My yarn pre-wash |
My yarn drying in the morning light. |
And after it started raining. |
Very nice looking yarn. Thoughts about what it will be?