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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sleeves and leaves

Here is a quick peak at the progress on the Tomten Jacket (the word Tomten is harder to spell than it really should be).

Getting a good picture of this thing is like getting a good picture of bigfoot. You are pretty sure that it's something else.

Really loving this thing as a project. I have the urge to carry it around the house with me. (I also have an urge to put a D in the word urge.) Oddly, this thing is entertaining me to no end. But, the little slip stitch socks bore me to tears. You would think that would be the other way around.

I really love this yarn which is a recycled cotton. The "string-y-ness" of it really appeals to me. And I should have some leftovers. (Rather shocking, I wasn't sure I would have enough to finish it.) Can anybody say "Dishcloths?"

In other news, I have decided to do Nablopomo this year. Just like I did last year. For those of you who don't know, Nablopomo is where the author of a blog posts to their blog every day for a month. Aren't you just jumping for joy at the thought of knowing what I'm thinking at every possible moment. What can I say, It'll be an exercise in narcissism. (Try saying that five times fast.)

Here is few shots from my walk yesterday. Like I said before, I really missed out on Autumn last year, so I have to make up for it this year. A lot of the trees here haven't fully changed, so you'll just have to take what you can get.

I would entitle these pictures "I need to get a better camera." (My apologies to the little-camera-that-could. You know I love you.)

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