Counting today, there are only four days left of Nablopomo. At this point I can coast along, just rambling on and on about nothing in particular, just talk and talk and talk, till you get so bored when you see my link on Bloglines, or blogger home page, you will weep salt tears and dread the day you got the bright idea to follow me.
Or is it just me?
Last night wasn't a big knitting night, as I, for the first time, made pumpkin pies from scratch. It was a little time consuming, but well worth it. You get such a thrill when you are able to get the skin off the pumpkin in one piece. You know me, I'll look for any excuse to use my hand blender.
The way I see it, making these pies from scratch is like making bread by hand. It may take a lot longer, it might be harder, you may get sore arms and a dirty kitchen, but somehow, they're just better. Like you know how much work went into them, and that just makes you feel that much better about the finished product. You don't see all it's defects, but you do see all it's attributes.
Or is it just me?
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