Welcome to the blog of a young male knitter!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Knit picks are my knitting pick!

So guess what I got for Christmas? .....

Any Guesses? .....


Alright, you wheedled it out of me. I got ....These. Thats right, I got the Knit Picks interchangeable circular needles. The Nickle Plated. These needles are the best by far, that I have ever knitted with. They have sharp points,  and smooth joins. I love them! I love them! I love them!! they are just fantastic, I am using two of them already. One for the fingerless gloves and one for the baby blanket Log cabin Blanket for some lucky recipient next Christmas. ( Now, thats planning ahead for  you, I started this as a baby blanket last June, Then when the parents moved away, I decided to finish it as a blanket) I love knitting all that garter stitch, it is just pure stinking fun. Fun in a blanket, made even more fun with my my new knitting needles.

I am trying to finish as many WIPs as I can before the end of the year. That has kind of fallen by the wayside since I re-discovered the blanket. But before the new year, I will do a post of a whole bunch of finished objects before the end of the year. I know that this falls directly against my save blog fodder ideals. That you never post about more that one FO in a post. but this time I am so far behind about posting that I may never get out of it without just posting a million links and stolen pictures at one time. So that is what I will do. Prepare your self for the link fest. This is your warning.

Eveyone loved their homemade Christmas presents, and they better, I worked Damn hard on them.

I hope that all of you had a merry Christmas and that all of your presents are well received. I advise you know to start knitting for next year, don't you think that all of close  family would love an afghan for Christmas, me and my bright Ideas, I'm only making two of them, I am getting a head start I tell you.

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