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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day twenty-three

I can't believe that I have been posting every day for twenty-three days. I feel like it has been forever.

Last night I got a lot of spinning done, I mean a lot. As of right now, I have spun enough for a pair of socks, but I think that I will keep going. (well, I do have a lot more of that roving left) Maybe (maybe) I will have enough for a lace shawl, a really small lace shawl. Man I wish I could post pictures of the beautiful fiber, I also wish that I could remember what it was.

Let me just tell everyone that the bathrooms in the Whole Day Cafe are really hard to get in and out of when you are in a wheel chair. Getting in was not the hard part, (I remember thinking as I got in that it would be easy to get out, famous last words) getting out was. I went for it with the front of me first but the door wouldn't swing out far enough and I couldn't back up any farther. So I ended up dragging the chair with me in it 90degrees and  backing out.

I am at the toe on the Andromeda sock. Ready to graft it up and start the next one.

Let me be the first to say, that I hate plying with a hand spun yarn.

Random Facts of the Day:
59. I have a homemade Drop-Spindle
60. I am secretly hoping that it snows soon
61. I hate it when any room doesn't get a lot of natural light.

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